OTHER APPOINIMENTS AND PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTSHIPS 1/77 - Present Consulting Engagements: U.S. Army Information Systems Software Develop- ment Center - the effective use of prototyping and 4GLs in application systems development and maintenance. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company--Visiting Professor: research, analysis, testing and development of software tools such as program analyzers, retrofit engines, code generators, etc., Dunn Memorial Hospital - the acguisition, development and installation of da large application software system. General Mills, Inc. -- the analysis and preparation of the MIS organization for the use of prototype systems development approach. Buffalo Rock Company -- the effective use of transactional data nin providing information for planning and decision making. Hardware Wholesalers, Inc. -- the analysis of contractual relationships in purchasing software products and services. Penton Learning Systems, Inc. -- the extended use of material reguirements planning systems in the purchasing function. United States Agency for International Development -- the training gkof project and middle managers in using analytic skills and computerized information systems, the development of user interfaces for color- graphic decision support systems, and computer literacy training for professionals. Owens Corning fFiberglas -- the development of a methodology for enhancing systems development productivity and design of a | training program for systems staff. Indiana (University -- the identification and integration of computer systems user's needs in planning and policy development. | State of Maryland, State Board of Higher Education -- the review and analysis of proposed curriculum in the area of Management/ Computerized Information Systems. 9/73 - 1/77 Consulting Engagements: Minnesota Energy Agency -- the development of a training program on the use of energy information systems. Minnesota Telephone Association -- the design o£ an integrated information system to support managerial functions. Naval Ship Research 4 Development Ctr. -- the design and development of an instrument to measure use and satisfaction with information systems. 2