NAME Jenkins, Arnold Milton DATE OF BIRIH June 12, 1938 EDUCATION Graduate: Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 3/77 MBA., University of New Mexico, 8/71 Undergraduate: BS.E., University of Albuguergue, 6/69 A.M.E., Worcester College, 6/61 ACADEMIC APPOINIMENTS 6/86 - Present Director of Research, Instituti for Research on the Management of Information Systems, Indiana University 5/86 - Present Adjunct Professor of Management Information Systems, Visoka Sola Za Organizacijo Dela, Univerza Maribor 8/85 - 6/86 Distinguished Research fFellow, Institute for 1 Research on the Management of Information Systems, Indiana University 8/84 - 8/85 L. J. Buchan Distinguished Professor, College of Economics and Management, Oakland University 8/81 - 8/84 Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, Indiana University 1/77 - 8/81 Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, Indiana University 9/73 - 8/76 Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Minnesota 12/71 - 6/72 Visiting Lecturer, University of New Mexico