IRMIS Institute for Research on the Management of Information Systems Graduate School of Business Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 January 8, 1988 Phone: (812) 335-7330 National Science Foundation Washington D.C. 20590 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter at the reguest of Professor Resinovitch, in support of the research program currently being developed by Professors Resinovitch, Grad and Rupnik. My understanding of this project is based on discussions with these three professors, a research outline written with Professor Grad in the summer of 1987, and Professor Resinoviteh's thesis research, "The Evaluation of Information Used In Management Support Systems". It is certainly a topic of current interest in the MIS field and is at the heart of many Current research projects underway at IRMIS. I am willing to lend support to this line of research subject to the review of specific projects. The proposal currently under development, as I understand it, has three major thrusts. The first thrust is the use of color graphics in information presentations. In this area we have completed a series of experiments including seven doctoral thesis and are eager to continue work in this area on a cooperative basis. The second area is the examination of the components of information guality. Here we have done some preliminary research and developed taxonomies which should be of use in the planned studies. The final topic is an examination of the value of information. "This area has received the least attention in terms of concentrated research. But it is clearly an area of great importance. Without a viable economic theory for the value of information, progress in this area will continue to be limited. Calls for research on this topic have been common in the MIS literature for the past several years. In summary, given a sound research proposal in this area, I am willing to provide assistance and cooperate with Professors Resinovitch, Grad and Rupnik. I know these gentlemen personally and have confidence in their abilities. Conseguently, I would personally make myself available to provide whatever assistance necessary to enhance their probabilities of success. Sincerely,