FIRST STEPS IN THE CONDUCT OF INOUIRY: HOW TO GET RESEARCH STARTED% Paul J. Gordon Indiana University Abstract The purposes of this treatise are two. (One is to provide assurance that difficulties in getting research started are ordinary. The other is to set forth a way of working out of the uncertainties, ambiguities | ' and elusiveness that can exist at the start. Consistent with the first purpose, Part I poses two guestions. Why are first steps in the conduct of inguiry so taxing? And why have people been so little forewarned? Consistent with the second purpose, Part II sets forth two propositions. One is that the Z PEOCEBRES involved in working out. of a poorly structured context at the start are similar in a great variety of uncertain, ambiguous, judgmental and creative situations in life. The other is that the guestions presented and discussed, cycled and recycled, will help in working out of the apparent maze involved in getting research started. "The intended readership is noted at the outset. The special demands in writing were to discuss the nebulous without being nebulous and the non-linear one page at a time. Working draft. All rights reserved. No reproduction or guotation in whole or in part without written permission of the author.