The foregoing leads to two useful observations. One is to lessen con- cern with, even at times to argue against, premature generalization or pre- mature search for universality, when alternate strategies might be more rewarding and closer to reality as well as we can perceive it. 'fhe other is to suggest that additions to knowledge do not have to be universal and do not have to come in large packages. Instead, the prime reguirement is that all the connections be established so that the addition posited at the outset and the sum at the end may be evident for others to judge. Another difficulty for new initiates is that the overwhelming volume of material which treats copiously many aspects of research may obscure the paucity of treatment of first steps. Drowning in information overload, it may be difficult to be selective and to recognize that a critical ingredient is lacking. There is no lack of volume on philosophy of science, various philosophies of various sciences, logic, reasoning, rules of evidence, search for truth and problem solving. There is also a mounting volume on research design and method generally and for specific disciplines, including data sources, data collection, instruments and their validation and so on. Also included are ever more sophisticated tracts on hypothesis testing, mathematical and statistical technigues and computer programming. 'Further, in well established disciplines and areas of inguiry, one may absorb accepted conventions on the risks inherent in different ways of proceeding and how to hedge those risks without even being consciously aware of whether and when specific learn- ing took place. Also, there are many works on writing and writing style including the form and mechanics of preparing research reports, dissertations and articles for scientific, refereed and popular journals. (Unfortunately, on the latter -15-