the factory foreman may describe either the light out or the work stoppage as a problem. Whoever is to correct the deficiency may look at the immed- jate situation or two or three steps beyond for a block or a gap of some kind. The search will likely be for a defect that interferes with the con- tinuity of production and one that can be remedied with available knowledge, material and capacities. While the example might constitute a researchable problem, it would not on the face of it likely be considered of any signi- ficance or point as a research problem. To be significant, the findings would have to reguire some discovery capable of generalization beyond the one experience. Better still, it would be useful for advancing the state of the particular arts involved if the findings could be related to previous theory and other investigation on such matters. The exception would be if the conditions involved were so out of the ordinary that: (a) the process of correction could not proceed without developing and validating new knowledge or method of some kind; and, (b) the new knowledge or method held potential for validation and use beyond the one case situation. So, there are gradations among problems, research problems, researchable problems and problems that meet criteria important to people with guite differing commitments. These run the gamut from those with basic disciplinary commitments and predominant emphasis on methodology to those with primary interest in practical affairs and practical applications to a middle range professional interest. The latter, in constrast to more purely scientific and more exclusively practical, might be characterized by an interest in occupying the middle ground between knowledge building and knowledge using. In my valuation, both ends and the nexus between all constitute legitimate »Jjie