Dr. Stane  Mozina, Professor at the Faculty of Economcs,
University of Ljubljana

Born: 9.7.1927
Nationality: Slovene
Marital Status: married

Present Address: Kardeljeva 10, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

Subject of Research and Lecturing:

Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Development, Personnel
Management, Organization Development

Details of Education:

Diploma in Technology (1956), Diploma in Industrial Psychology

— ..and sociology (1961) and Ph.D. (1969) at University of Ljubljana;

Post-Ph.D. studies - Graduate School of Business at Stanford
University, U.S.A. (1972/73 and 1987); Specializations in Englana
(1970), Sweden (1973 and 1986), Japan (1974), India (1973),
France (1985), Austria (1989), and other countries.

Professional Employment

Consultant at the Institue for Productivity (1957-61), Researcher
at the Institute for Social Studies (1962-69), Lecturer at the
Faculty of Economics (from 1970) - all in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
Part time as Project Leader at the International Center for
"Public FEnterprises in Developing Countries (1975-86); Head of
Training Center for Management at the Faculty of Economics (1985-
89). -