Teaching experiences : - linear algebra - advanced calculus I, II and III " business. nabhemeties (for graduate students) - network programming —- linear programming - mathematical prgramning I and II - gem ral system theory - deterministic systems (for post-rraduate students) - system oriented production theory - system modelling of open national economjes Research experiences: - a methodology of optimal economic fusion and ovtimal design of business organization a concept of multidimensional data base architecture - a continuously adaptive on-line management and control of micro-economic 8ystems - a fluid modelling in business - a generalised theory of economics in informatics - as a head of postgraduate course in economic irformatics supervising anč producing 15 PhD 's and 29 MD 's from the field of OR , system theory and mathematical programming. Ljubljana, Nov. 7, 1987. VR raco Viljem Rupnik