Viljem Rupnik SUKMARISED CURRICULUN VITAE Born: May 2ist 1933 Birthplace: Ljubljana, Suečelavia.- Present Affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics Status: full professor of mathematics Basic background: degree in theoretical and applied mathematics(1956) degree in economics (1961) Academic carrier: PhD in mathematics (1978) PhD in economics (1962) PhD in technical sciences (1586) Past professional experiences: - resedych fellow of Prof, R,L, Ackoff OR group (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, 1964) - research associate to Prof, R, Bellman (UCLA, 1965,Los Angeles) - president of Yugoslav IFIP ADP group (1969 -1975) - head of Research Center of Faculty of Economics (1971-73) - regular member ef Yubslav academy of sciences and arts Section of oil economics part time consultant to International center for public enterprises in developing countries (UN agency) in Ljubljana (1982-85) »about 260 industrial projects and expertises since 1956 within the country -formation of 6 OR consulting groups -having been an adviser and consultant to 5 research institutes since 1969 over our country -5 books and 120 papers and articles (24 of them abread) in the field of OR and systems theory,