classical econšmic sense; In both cases we therefore came to the crucial point we propose to investi- gate within the reserach study scheduled:how to define a generalised value of information? (Reserjach item 1) In addition to that €Y) information technology has to be judged either within the context of so called alignement -oriented application to business (where standard software packeages support MIS bodies, for example) or within the impact oriented appli- cation (like taylor-made software is applied to prototypes of MIS projects), In order to compare the two of them, after transformations as apllied in a) above, we see that a unified approach to information evaluation is needed (Res each item II), d) Following the ROI principle evolution, we finally get stuck as to the task of summing up the evaluations of all the components of extended ROI components which in general are not allowed to be aggregable or,at least ,co-measmrable without limitations, Purthermore, such a sum, in turn , is very unlikely to act as a "means of ranking alternative information system projects" (see Parker and Benson as well), This arguing brings us to Reserach item III: how to construct an acoeptable and efficinjet information evaluation algebra? e)as a dual to d) we have to find some generalised cost attributes to any information (which, in turn,enables us to afford a generalsied cest description of information process as well as information system),since recent development tends to invblve different classes of risk and uncertainty as "full dimension of cost" categories (see Parker and Benson za again) as ontological counter- parts to "values",This phenomenon is a challenge to us to formužate Research item IV: to put information evaluation algebra into a multidimensional space, From the four reserach tasks formulated above we could defive olle a unified approach infermation evaluatimn in such a way that - different investment pregrams for a given information systems are unambiguous- ly comparable »-the impact a given information system has er may have on a particular business system is described in the same space as the information system itself, -the twe systems introduced, e, i, business system and its satelite information system (as well as management information system) žave xg confora performance "identification " card, . — an information system can be treated within the same (informational) space as its "master" system, e. i, business system, LJ mac x AG —it— 87% He Ma l €