o nani re,se ad, 2.An information evaluation |prejet draft program An information gets an increasing importdrnce in today 's world, since it represents da link between the reality and decision makers'existence, So far, it has bemn thought that the success in developing and improving a particular decision maker: 's decision mostly depends on the guantity (or volume ) of information available ; a good example of this is given by MIS Copenhagen Conference(1970) .The entusiasm of senethies somn showed ka the dangers of being a straithforwasd advocate of extensive MIS apart from the sfhocking costs occured within these projects, Thus, MIS have studied from additional naaspects, like H.R. Morris JNCC, 197l),Lanzefors (1977) and Chrysler (1980). Thus, gradually a concept of information economics has stepped forward, although Prielink (1965) could be considered as a pioneer of the concept of economics in information processing, Evaluation of tnformation systems was treated as an analogy of production system (see Morris) and later on, a concept of rate of investment principlestarted to appear as a tool of meajrini the goodness of isformation systems with respect to business system supported by such an information system, Increading complexity of business systems led to an increasing complexity of information system and thus ROI pftinciple primarily based on cost-benefit analysis (CBA) started loosing its analytical power, The ROI principle , apart from CBA, adopted new concepts like value linking,value acceleration, value restructuring, innovation and investment valuation(Parker and Benson, see Datamation , Dec l, 1987), All of these exten- sions rest upon a value as an economic categorx, mostly in an indirect way, Thus, we are forced to face a set of financial terms and financial technigues in order to evaluate information system, There are two problems which make us concerned with information economics : a) since an information system can be reduced to a set of information proces- ses (with correponding set of induced "non-information" processes) and, further- more, sn information process can be decomposed into "stage" information set, me canjavoid such evaluation co ponents of information which do not posses a financial term as a means of |evaluation; b) due to Parker and Benson, for example, the increasing level of "pragma" has made us to expand the classical term of value towards items , like enhanced wievs of retum on invesment,strategic mateh, competitive advantage, management adrxuiaga information, competitive response and strategic IS architecture, all of which embrace the elemnts which are not measurable in .