When switching to control model s of business system, a new part of the sufficient-conditien -like part of guality definition for a given input informa- tion acerues, Fach input information being purposeful, induces a finite set of goals business system wants to achieve,at a given control herizon, A number og golas ,the level of their consistency and other properties modern control £kc theory deals with , could be considered as a part of guality of input informatior In addition to that , output information does net in general serve as a domain of geal funotionals, Insteda, criteria are being sought as intermediate link between them so as to find some pragmatic ways of centrol and management of business system. Again, number and all other standard system theory categories pertaining criteria could be the components of guality definition for given input information, Pollowing the analegy for the case of output information we propose to include transformations of output information into oriteria as well as transformations of criteria into goals with respect to their fundamental properties as component ef information guality description, Since a systems approach may have many different mathematical structures involved, an examination as proposed above can take place in some preselected manner, This project, in its first stage would amount to linear short run models which enable us to formulate a tool for non-terminal control over a business system of an arbitrary type as much as possihle,Following a general xx systems theory we are to find structural properties of business system so that results would enable someone to give a diagnostic cross-section over the set of chains "input information-output information-coriteria -goals" which are rolling through a business system in genegal, The guality of information thus consists of input information as primary set of guality components (in the classical sense), Starting from this primary set we intend to generate and optimise a secondary set of guality components 5 where this set consists of output information, criteria and goals belonging to the same bisiness system as input information, Transformations which interconnect these four sets could sometimes be variable ; in such a case we can suggest the optimised transformations (if they exist) in order to improve the three sets mukk of the secondary part of guality. It may give an additional boost to business system measured by levels of goals and at the gxx same time increasing the guality of input information. It is worth to notice that we would like to maintain the guality definition even in a case where transforma tions are not capable of formal presentation,