7, An information guality research drsft prosram We could assume that an information being posessed and kept as a value of strategic dimension should be purposeful, e, i, it represents a negessarjy zxnniti cendition for some geal to be reached, Thus, apart from traditional viewing the guality of an information, which admits it as a set of atributes, like duantity of information (due to Shanon, 1953), precision and reliability of information (Sackman, 1967;Morris, 1971; Hellerman and Smith, 1975), age of an information (Davis, 1974) and a set of properties which a given (input) iufurux! information displays within its being processed (like response time, compilasic tion time, ect,), We dare to think about these ingredients of a guality of information as necessar; part of a definition of guality of information, since we proclaimed any infermation to be purposeful.After reviewing such a tradi tional part of items which pretend to be a descrirtion of guality of an infor- mtien we feel strongly temptated to name this set as "personal " guality image ef an information which so far has togoften pretended to be da self-contained category, not aiming to its "service", After gathering some set of information for a given business system we behave subcensciously to ask eurselves : what to do with them ? In the context of rese- arch program herebjg preposed we shall pursue a max-principle ef data base creation rather than a min-principle which looks for minimum input infermation set needed in order to serve as a basis to a given set of eutput infermation. Our sesearch is aimed to creation of secondary or sufficient part of definition of guality of an information which appears as input to the given business system, To thispart we propose to explore a familj of functional models of business systems at first, They contain output information; zk Cardinality, scope and other rather standard atributes of the corresponding oučjut Spaces are very important compenents of a guality of information since they codetermine a large portion of implementational issues to the business system model, A rather intu- itive tempktation is also ,included: a number ef output informatien pieces could bea part Sr unanure of guality of a given input information, Furthermere, as:g nature of output. components of information is likel to influence an information technology in broader sense of meaning, we also pripese to study key properties of transformations (algorythms) of input into output information.Thus, for example, a given input information could be more desirable (or it has higher score within its multidimansional guality image) if it reguires less sofisticated software in order to prsduce the same output information,