Recenzije — ni — 1. članek:"Ihe Pseudosymmetric Tridiagonalization of an Arbitrary Real Matrix"by Xingzhi Ji, submitted for possible publication in Linear Algebra and its Applications, Dopisg$ ;Hans Schneider, Editor-In-Chief, July 14, 1987, RE: LAA Ms 8609-205S« (2) May 7, 1988 Naslov: Hans Schneider, Editor-in-Chief, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Department of Mathematics, Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53705, USA, Naslov avtorja članka: Xingzhi Ji, Mathematics Institute Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2. članek:"Transformation of Positive Definite Hermitian Form to Unit Form" by W, Wadia % L, Balloomal, submitted for possible publication in The Computer Journal, Dopis: Peter Hammersley, Honorary Editor of The Computer Journal, The British Computer Society, 31 May, 1973. Naslov: Peter Hammersley, Editor of The Computer Journal c/o Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Corn Exchange Street, Cambridge, CB2 30G, England, Naslov avtorjev članka: WahbyoWADIA, Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo, Egypt and Laila BALLOOMAL, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.« Ze članek:"An Algorithm for the solution of general three term linear systems" by D,J, Evans % L,V, Atkinson, submitted for possible publication in The Computer Journal, Dopis: Margaret O, Mura Mutch, Hon, Ed, Algorithms Supplement, The Computer Journal, The British Computer Society, 3rd December,1969, Naslov: Margaret O, Mutch, Hon, Ed, Algorithms Supple- ment, University Engineering Department, Control Engi- neering Group, Mill Lane, Cambridge CBo'1RX, England. Naslov avtorjev članka: D.J. Evans % L,V, Atkinson, Computing Laboratory, University of Sheffield, 4%, Letno poročilo št, 11-5702-585-87; PORS 1l (za družbeno infrastr. Projektni sklop: Razvoj informacigskih sistemov OZD Koordinator: prof.dr. Janko Belak, mag.oec. Tematski sklopi: 1, Model PIS OZD s serijsko in maloserijsko proiz- vodnjo - II.del in III,del raziskave; nosilec raziskave: dr,Kokotec-Novak Majda oziroma prof.dr. Ferdinand Marn 2e Model PIS kmetijskih OZD - I,del; nosilec razis- kave: prof.dr. Janko Belak Razisk, organizacija: UMb, VEKŠ, Institut za EOI Mb Ocena letnega poročila izdelana: 25. april 1988