306 SPLIT-PLOT DESIGN LN DON ————— 4 $SS, for b; < SS, -- SS,s 1 a r $)SS, for bc < SS, NE SS, na SS,c d SS sc 11 $SS,s for C, — SS,g - SS ac: 1 One can see that whenever the main effects have difierent error terms, these error terms are pooled in testing the simple main effects. The error terms in Table 8.14-5 are given as weighted pooled mean sguares divided by their pooled degrees of freedom. For example, the error term for testing SS, at b, can be computed by either of the following formulas: MS,.sj w.groups t MS, x subj v grvpsi Ii b) — 1.562 bt 812(1), —l 187 4 2 SS,tj w.groups ft SS x subj w.groups 9.375 ft 4.875 —