246 SPLIT-PLOT DESIGN A nm A COMPARISON OF THREE FACTORIAL EXPERIMENTS A graphic comparison of three experimental designs—a completely randomized factorial design, a randomized block factorial design, and a split-plot design—is shown in Figure 8.1-l. In this figure the split-plot 4, 4, a, dd 4; MX b, b, ob; b, ob, o bp b, o b, ob; b, ob, ob; absjsjsj o psbsjahslej absjsjs a, od 4, Hd (a) Type CRF-23 design (b) Type RBF-23 design (c) Type SPF-2.3 design Figure 8.1-1 Comparison of three types of designs. repeated measures design is designated by SPF-2.3. The letters s,, s, ... S refer to sets of n subjects. In the type CRF-23 design, each set of subjects receives only one of the pg treatment combinations. An examination of part (a) reveals that the design is composed of two completely randomized designs. Subjects assigned to treatment level a, comprise one type CR-3 design, while subjects assigned to a, comprise the other type CR-3 design. The building block for the designs shown in parts (b) and (c) is a randomized block design. In a type RBF-23 design, a single set of subjects (s,) receives all pg treatment level combinations. By contrast, in a split-plot design subjects in set s, receive only one level of treatment A but all levels of treatment B. The analysis of treatments A and B in a split-plot design, when viewed separately, resembles the analysis for a completely ran- domized design and a randomized block design, respectively. This analogy is discussed in Section 8.4. SPECIAL FEATURES OF SPLIT-PLOT DESIGNS Split-plot repeated measures designs in which a subject receives all levels of some treatments but only one level of other treatments are sometimes referred to as mixed designs (Lindguist, 1953). Winer (1962) uses the designation "multifactor experiments having repeated measures on some elements" for this class of designs. The origin of the term mixed design as a designation for split- plot designs can be readily discerned from an inspection of Figure 8.1-le. In this figure differences between levels a, and a, involve diflerences between s, and s, as well as the effects of treatment A. However, difierences between any two levels of treatment B do not involve differences between