D OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS , row, column, and in- degree of freedom as- edom associated with peated measurements lumber of degrees of ts, because repeated 'hus the row effect is ) associated with the ratio. Adjustments used in the F ratios g the Box procedure, grees of freedom as- linator of the F ratio. | R(n — |) degrees of ature of these tests, if 1 adjusted degrees of f the homogeneity of le type described in dom to A treatment th zn subjects in each sums of sguares are 1, respectively. The netimes substantially, ing a variable that is For example, assume nguage are under in- al one-way classifica- to the four methods Measures of scho- this variable may be »jects in learning the groups, or blocks, of her a low, scholastic nay then be assigned Jups of five subjects. riment. The essence hat subjects can be on variable, which is thin blocks are then s of data for such an bove the analysis of NEON OKO "JEVA PVO MNA REPE ROA di i IA 19.14 RANDOMIZED BLOCK DESIGNS 323 data is the same as for a double-classification factorial experiment as described in Chapter 16. Four sums of sguares are obtained. Given k treatments and 8 blocks the degrees of freedom associated with treat- ments, blocks, interaction, and within-cells sums of sguares are A— |, B—1,(k—1I)(B—1I), and N — BA, respectively. What is the purpose of a randomized block experiment? The primary purpose is to reduce the size of the error term used in the denominator of the F ratio, which for the fixed model is the within-cells mean sguare. The relative efficiency of the experiment is thereby increased in relation to the one-way classification experiment. If the blocking variable has a substan- tial correlation with the dependent variable, the sums of sguares associated with blocks may prove to be of some appreciable size; also an interaction term of some magnitude may be found. The effect of this will be to reduce the size of the within-group sum of sguares and the within-group mean sguare and, thereby, increase the likelihood of obtaining a significant dif- ference for the main effect. The reader should note that in the one-way classification experiment the number of degrees of freedom associated with the error term, the within-groups mean sguare, is N — A, whereas in the randomized block experiment the number of degrees of freedom associated with the error term is N — Bk. Thus in the randomized block experiment a loss in degrees of freedom associated with the error term occurs, which must be compensated for by the sum of sguares associated with blocks and interac- tion. An informative discussion of this point will be found in Myers (1972). Myers' treatment of the subject shows that the relative efficiency of the randomized block experiment in relation to the usual one-way clas- sification experiment will be greater than 1 whenever the F test of the com- bined block and interaction effects exceeds |. The relative efficiency will increase as the sum of sguares associated with blocks and interaction ef- fects increases. Because the degrees of freedom associated with the error term in a ran- domized block design are N — BA, the power of the F test will decrease as the number of blocks increases. Also, as the number of blocks increase the within-cells sum of sguares decreases. These are opposing effects which suggest that in a randomized block experiment some optimum number of blocks exists. This topic has been investigated by Feldt and Mahmoud (1958). The reader will find Myers' (1972) discussion of this topic helpful. The gist of the matter is that the optimum number of blocks is related to the correlation between the blocking variable and the depen- dent variable, sample size N, and the number of treatment levels k. The optimum number of blocks increases with increase in the correlation and sample size N and decreases with increase in the number of treatment levels. In the design of a randomized block experiment investigators should inform themselves of these matters and keep them in mind. The blocking variable is usually a classification variable which is char- acteristic of the subjects and is in no way under the control of the inves- (nani nRmonorn mi ini ei Ni