318 REPEATED-MEASUREMENT AND OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS Table 19.5 lllustrative data for a two-factor experiment with repeated measurements on one factor : Subjects C, C, C, C, C; T,, A[(31)? -£ (40)? -£ - - -£ (33)'] — 2,405.20 EX XTI,- ui 1 A|- tu a li ——< —E 2 2]<5)? 3 ez ((129)' 4 (165)] — 2,193.30 Ha y T?,. - 5 [(41)? -£ (49)? -£ - - - £ (74)"] < 2,287.00 y y Ti, <4[(14)? -£ (19)? -£- - > (35)"] — 2,347.50 C X. y X2, <5 (2)? £ (7)? £- - > (8)" — 2,664.00 T? | (294)? nRC 4x2Xx5 Applying the computation formulas given in Sec. 19.8, the reguired sums of sguares are as follows: — 2,160.90 BETWEEN SUBJECTS Ron 2 a ba x Ti,— a — 2,405.20 — 2,160.90 — 244.30 ROWS Ia... T?