ND OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS lean sguares for a wo- one factor, and assum- fixed, are as follows: ce components as de- ace component which is s that the correct error nate. The correct error fects is the (C x S)/R ) compute the reguired 2C observations will be totals by T,. and T,., lumn summed over sub- ummed over columns is ed over columns is T,... as follows: ES IA 49.9 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF A TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS ON ONE FACTOR 317 ROWS [19.2] ralb) To —-TRČ SIR [19.3] Val x X Ti, SE x T;. WITHIN SUBJECTS R € [19.4] vy COLUMNS | LA 8. T? [199 RŽ T.. nRC RxC l RO € , | R , | € h T: [s] PPD ac! TIR et TRE SCIR ROC n Hh4) x x NXu- 5X xET.-I TOTAL. Te? ROC n [19.8] ba ba bi X2,; — RE In practical computation a number of these terms can be obtained by simple subtraction. 19.9 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF A TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS ON ONE FACTOR Table 19.5 shows illustrative data for a two-factor experiment with re- peated measurements on one factor. Two groups of four subjects were used. Bach subject was measured under five experimental conditions. The totals reguired for computational purposes are also shown in this table.