THER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS al and educational urements over one Iving four different of n subjects each four learning trials y be tested on the esigns of this type id not be confused , fixed and random nent factors. ted in the particu- 4 sets are used with Ni: ns. The data may e C, Means j Xn X, LI H: X a X, 2 di X aa Xi Š: Xa X, d Xass X, 4 4 Ka X. 5 4 X sa Devi 4 PE? j ript identifies the subscript identifies the third subsceript nent for the fourth d ated measurement. of sguares may be lin-subjects sum of further partitioned 'hin-groups sum of in-subjects sum of a column sum of vhich is a column- ote this latter term is partitioned into vith the associated 19.7 TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENTS WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS ON ONE FACTOR 315 number of degrees of freedom and variance estimates are shown in Table 19.4. Some comment on the sums of sguares in Table 19.4 is appropriate. The meaning of the row, column, and interaction sums of sguares is obvi- ous. These are concerned with variability due to the main effects and the interaction between the main effects. The subjects-within-groups sum of sguares, S/R, is simply the variability among subjects for the first group, added to the variability among subjects for the second group, and so on for all levels of R. It may be viewed as the variability among subjects with the variability due to row treatment effects, as it were, removed. The (C x S)/R term is a column-by-subject interaction for the first group, added to the column-by-subject interaction for the second group, and so on for ali levels of R. The numbers of degrees of freedom associated with row, column, and R X C interaction sums of sguares are R—lI,C—l,and(R—I1)(C— |), respectively. "The S/R term has associated with it n— | degrees of freedom for each group, and for R groups the number of degrees of freedom is R(n— 1). The (C x S)/R term involves the summing of the C x S interaction over R groups or levels. The number of degrees of freedom associated with each level is (n — 1)(C — 1): conseguently the total number of degrees of freedom associated with this term is R(n—-iMXCc—1). Table 19.4 Analysis of variance for two-factor experiments with repeated measurements on one factor Source of Variance variation Sum of sguares df estimate Kon - 0. Between subjects C ba MA (X,,—X..) Rn —1 KA RO o Rows nC x (X, —XOE R—I s, kon - v SIR C MA bi (X,,—- X, R(n— hb Str CO KR n Within subjects N 5 N (X.a- XI RuiC—-h sy € Columns nR bA (X.—- x? C-1 se KO € - - 0 — RxC nN N(X,—-X, —X.EX." (R—- iIMIC- h Sreč CA nm — - us (C x SIR MA x PI (Xu — XKas—Xe.E A) R(n—1iXC- h Nr KO L Total 9 S (Xu- x." RCn-—1