HER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS < (117)? -£ (79)? — so on. Applying abering that L< S, — 40.11 - 123.39 | 1,067.11 < 12.06 -£ 1,067.11 — 24.56 o -- 1,067.11 — 33.28 di di k uma.at NČ dana bna ll PR ta R X C X S INTERACTION ROCCO N sš l ho CC 2 l RON m" l CC XN 3 1 K » PADA MA Xi Tv x > Tuč o >> Tix—RŽ x TatENE Ti, 2 l Cc " I N z T 5 VINI 5 — Raj — 1,360.00 — 1,242.67 tan net ge NR To peg" 1360.0— | — 1,180.00 — 1,272.00 -- 1,107.22 -- 1,190.50 4 1,115.33 — 1,067.11 < 11.27 TOTAL, Te: — z — 1,360.00 — 1] — 292, RČN 1,360.00 — 1,067.11 92.89 KR C N Ž X X Xi. — The analysis-of-variance table for these data is given in Table 19.3, As indicated in Section 19.5 the appropriate error term for testing row ef- fects is s,,', for column effects s,,', and for R x C interaction sž.,. The F ratios are as follows: Fr< ačTaj 817 p < ..05 siŽ Bom seo z 18.53 p<.0I Foo S$ oa, p <..05 In this illustrative example the column effects are significant at better than the .01 level, whereas row effects and R x C interaction fall between the .05 and .0! levels of significance. ——— nn z o Table 19.3 —O<€<06—ŽOOCČd vvTv,..vv,v .,.,.,.,oc,T...oe Analysis-of-variance table for iltustrative examples of two-tactor experiment with repeated measures Source of Sum of Degrees of Variance variation sguares freedom estimate OO Sn zniža en o a a ie ija Rows 40.11 ad 40.11 < s, Columns 123.39 2 61.70— 3, Subjects 48.22 S 9.64 < z, RxC 12.06 2 6.03 — s, RxS 24.56 5 4IlE;,, CxS 33.28 io KAKJE KNJ RxCxS 1t.27 10 LI3E s, — v v o o. .oe,, o cv, TE Total 292.89 35 o — o —o— -. RENATO K II IE VIZIJE NTI EaNe zaobiti S EOR AA AREA pano room ET NE 19.6 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS 313