) OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS JH 19.6 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF TWO-FACIOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS 311 j The totals above are obtained by adding the cell totals over subjects. H Thus4 £6£1424£541< 19, and so on. Totals for rows T, ., for col- i umns 7.., and the grand total are shown. The totals for rows by subjects peated-measurement boj summed over columns are as follows: r 2 X 3 — 6 treatment kO? 5 | T,, bo: Subjects T, ubject 2 E i C, C, Z | 117 E H Rows oi 79 bo! T, 1965 T, d | Here the number 16 in the top left cell is obtained by summing the E cells for the first subject over columns; thus 4 45-47. 16. Likewise 4 l£4 -t£2—7,andsoon. The totals for columns by subjects summed over šč | rows, T..,, are as follows: ij | Ta ] Subjects To. 4 34 Columns 79 š 83 m | T, 196 < 7 Here the values in the left-hand column in the above table are obtained by summing the cells for the first subject over rows; thus 4 £ | < 5,5 4 4— 9, K 7-£ 2 — 9, and so on. d Use is now made of the computational formulas given in Section 17.8. E In the present example z — 1. Also a slight notational change has been z made. In this example layers are subjects and the symbol S is used instead 3 of L. In the formulas to foilow S is the same as L in the formulas of Section down the totals for JE 17.8. The factor S has N levels, where N is the number of subjects. bjects summed over 4 First we calculate eig/it guantities which are used in the computation . Viewing the data š formulas. For this illustrative example these are as follows: surface of the cube. ; T,.., are as follows: 4 NE Ti — NIN x 19,930 < 1.107.22 ČN > "" 3x6 vo me € NE Š, Ti, | Z X 14,286 — 1,190.50 N ze NTi. — zz X 6692 — 1,115.33 LEE. l wo X Tiho. z X 7,456 — 1,242.67