OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS ne following sums of ,565.00 7,553.10 045,756 IN (1,970)? 10 40 5,961.50 ta for this example. z S, |Spe, — 279, no error term for col- s found to be 4.04. srees of freedom as- vely, are 2.96 at the column differences a, 19.5 19.5 TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENTS WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS 309 are significant at the S percent level but fall short of significance at the | percent level. ta TWO-FACTOR EXPERIMENTS WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS In Sections 19.3 and 19.4 one-factor experiments with repeated measure- ments were considered. On occasion experiments are encountered that in- volve two factors with repeated measurements. Given R levels of one treatment and C levels of another, each subject may be tested under each of the RC treatments. If R — 2 and C < 2, the levels of R being R, and R, and of C being C, and C,, there are four treatment combinations, R,C,, R,C,, R,C,, and R,C;,. Each of N subjects might receive all the four treat- ments, the presentations being possibly, although not necessarily, arranged in random order for each subject. Such data constitute an RCN block of numbers. Rows and columns are treatments, and layers are experimental subjects. "These data are analyzed as in the triple-classification case with one observation in each cell. Use the computation formulas given in Section 17.8, writing n < |. Seven sums of sguares result: rows, columns, subjects, R x C, R x S, C XS, and RxCxS. There is, of course, no within-cells sum of sguares. The model here is a mixed model with z < 1. Rows and columns will ordinarily be fixed variables. Layers, or subjects, is a random variable. For this model the expectation of the sums of sguares and the degrees of freedom are as follows: o o OR nn Mean sguare Expectation of mean sguare df Rows, s,? o ŽA Coge t NCo,? R—I1 Columns, s, o, 4 Rovt NRo c-1i Subjects, s? oi 4 RCo,: N—I RXC,s,Ž o? ož, t Na, (R— IXC-— bh RXS,s o iA CO ge (R— IMN- h CXS, s o,? 4 Ra,,: (C—- IIN- b) RXCXS, si,, o? ož, (R—IXIC- NN- ID o ——— nn Inspection of these expectations indicates that the appropriate error term for testing row effects is the R X S mean sguare, F, — s,'/s,,. The appro- priate error term for testing column effects is the C x S mean sguare, F, — s.?/s«,. Vhe appropriate error term for testing R X C interaction is the R XxC XS mean sguare, F,, — s,,2/s2,,. Unless the R XS, C X S, and R x C XS interactions are assumed to be 0, which with most sets of data will not be the case, no unbiased test of differences between subjects, or R XS or C XS interactions, can be made. These are ordinarily not of interest.