JIHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS je highly correlated ce of these correla- sides in the number ne and effort to test int here is that the e use of repeated- ents with repeated nts may affect per- r fatigue, practice, from such circum- vestigator may not under the different carry-over effects. ut designs in the as- 1sual assumption of ' is made regarding ed in some detail in EMENTS: RES or experiment with f numbers in which zresent treatments; at for the two-way sis of such data in- two-way classifica- d computation for- res result: sums of nteraction. urements, subjects y viewed as fixed. ations of the mean veen treatments is ividual differences ve m ozki a ih PSA OPARA oa ZGAGA v kd dj Šarm man inten Cie Ze da m Drva RA Pari sol ŠA oi a žo Ta SANA ČALA o A čo nobe d 3t MRNi7RDAE VE smr se a aa 4e 19.4 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF ONE-FACTOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS 307 19.4 between subjects is possible, unless it is assumed that the interaction term is0. With nearly all sets of data this assumption is not warranted, because the performance of subjects under different pairs of treatments is corre- lated. Ordinarily in most experiments of this type individual differences between subjects are of limited interest anyway, because with most vari- ables that are the object of study the investigator expects a priori substan- tial differences between subjects. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF ONE-FACTOR EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS Table 19.1 shows hypothetical data for a one-factor experiment with re- peated measurements. Rows are individuals, and columns are treatments. The data are presumed to relate to a random sample of individuals tested under different treatment conditions. This is a mixed model. One basis of classification, the columns, is fixed. The other basis of classification, the TOws, is random. ———i iin —ieiv—mvm dove m m v cv Table 19.1 Data for the analysis of variance with two-way classification: z —1, scores for a sample of subjects tested under four difterent conditions Conditions Subject A B c D T,. X,. ——o ov gv vv v - 1 31 42 14 80 167 41.75 2 42 26 25 106 199 49.75 3 84 21 19 83 207 S1.75 4 26 60 36 69 191 47.75 5 4 35 44 48 141 35.25 6 16 80 28 76 200 50.00 7 29 49 80 39 197 49.25 8 32 38 76 84 230 S7.50 9 45 65 15 91 216 54.00 10 30 71 82 39 222 s5.50 ——o sor v v vv. , —.v,c- T, 349 487 419 715 T< 1,970 X. 34.90 48.70 41.90 7.50 X. — 49.25 ————O—O€OO—SE———————-————ZFEZ[4-Ellll2llI[[5alll5lllIll..... K č >, T,? — 394,350 B T,'— 1.045,756 y y X reč — 122,984 rel cut ral emi —————IIJJJJJJJJJN Odcvvv.v, ,. -,o'2%..