306 19.3 REPEATED-MEASUREMENT AND OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS ferent treatment conditions will in many experiments be highly correlated since they are made on the same subjects. The presence of these correla- tions will reduce the error term. 'Another advantage resides in the number of subjecis. |t may be more economical in terms of time and effort to test the same subjects under each treatment. A further point here is that the nature of certain experimental problems demands the use of repeated- measurement designs. One disadvantage of experiments with repeated measurements is that performance under prior treatments may affect per- formance under subseguent treatments due to either fatigue, practice, boredom, or some other circumstance. Effects resulting from such circum- stances are sometimes called carry-over effects. An investigator may not be able to clearly decide whether the results observed under the different treatments are due to those treatments or are due to the carry-over effects. A further problem associated with repeated measurement designs in the as- sumption made in the analysis of data. Not only is the usual assumption of homogeneity of variances made but also an assumption is made regarding the homogeneity of covariances. This matter is discussed in some detail in Section 19.9. ONE-FACTOR EXPERIMENTS WITH REPEATED MEASUREMENTS: COMPUTATION AND EXPECTATION OF MEAN SOUARES As indicated above, the data resulting from a one-factor experiment with repeated measurements may be represented as a table of numbers in which rows represent experimental subjects and columns represent treatments; that is, the representation of the data is the same as that for the two-way classification with one observation per cell. The analysis of such data in- volves nothing new. The data are analyzed as in the two-way classifica- tion case with one observation per cell. The reguired computation for- mulas are given in Section 16.9. Three sums of sguares result: sums of sguares for subjects (rows), treatments (columns), and interaction. For a one-factor experiment with repeated measurements, subjects constitute a random variable and treatments are usually viewed as fixed. The model is the mixed model for n <— 1. The expectations of the mean sguares are as follows: Mean sguares Expectation of mean sguares Subjects, s,? o,: 4 Co," Treatments, s. o,? 4d ot Ro? interaction, s,,? o" ož The proper error term for testing differences between treatments is Sre", that is, F, — s.2/s,,. | No unbiased test of individual differences