308 REPEATED-MEASUREMENT AND OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS Applying the appropriate computation formulas, the following sums of sguares are obtained: H ROWS [A,,., T?. 394350 (1970X C > T, N ——I— 40 — 1,565.00 COLUMNS I4,,. TE. 1,045,156. (1900? R p2 T. NČ ——O ČE 7,553.10 INTERACTION R Cc x 2 l R T Bm 1 C 2 T2 NA ca RA! "N O 394,350 1,045,756 , (1,970)? — 122,984 - —IU O t—OU — 16,843.40 TOTAL R PNE Kodi — (1,970)? — bA b Xi NO 122,984 —A 25,961.50 rzi ezl Table 19.2 summarizes the analysis-of-variance data for this example. Because this is a mixed model with n< 1 and F, < s,ls, — .279, no meaningful test of row effects is possible. The proper error term for col- umn effects is s,,2. The F ratio for column effects is found to be 4.04. The F ratios reguired for significance with 3 and 27 degrees of freedom as- sociated with the numerator and denominator, respectively, are 2.96 at the S percent and 4.60 at the | percent levels. Thus the column differences v A EIMV Table 19.2 Analysis of variance for data of Table 19.1 Source of Sum of Degrees of Variance variation sguares freedom estimate NI EN Rn Rows 1,565.00 9 173,89 — s,' Columns 7,553.10 3 2,517.70 < s? Interaction 16,843.40 27 623.83 — s,? en Ga en GE AA NZ Total 25,961.50 a a EEA REEEEEMOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWAEEEEE, s, 404 — F,< 2, <.279 S, re se — Sreč Fse a V a ERA EEEEEE OEEO NR