. 46 SPSS UPDATE 7-9 RAW CANONICAL COEFFICIENTS FOR COVARIATES FUNCTION NO. COVARIATE 1 INTEL . 02876 CONOBV . 08288 CONRMT . 21845 JOB -.27454 cli -.00014 CI2 -.00156 CI3 00258 a ee—kč——— 2 The standardized canonical coefficients. If PRINT-DISCRIM( STAN) / is specified, the standardized canonical coefficients (obtained by multiplying each raw coefficient by the corresponding standard deviation of the variable) are printed. The standardized canonical coefficients for Figure 1.40a are given in Figure 1.41b. Figure 1.41b a O A STANDARDIZED CANONICAL COEFFICIENTS FOR DEPENDENT VARIABLES FUNCTION NO. VARIABLE 1 SYNTH 70415 4 EVAL 40212 STANDARDIZED CANONICAL COEFFICIENTS FOR COVARIATES CAN. VAR. COVARIATE dl INTEL , 42636 CONOBV . 35939 CONRMT 71393 JOB -1.48875 CIL -.10475 CI2 -.62467 CI3 1.82693 a nnnno——— 3 The correlations between the variables and each canonical variate. These correlations are obtained by specifying PRINT-DISCRIM( COR) / and indicate the contribution of each variable to the canonical variate. The percentage and cumulative percentage of the total variation accounted for by each canonical variate are printed as well. The percefkage of variation in the dependent variable accounted for by the ith canonical variate is calculated as (the sum of sguares of correlations between dependent variable and the ith canonical variable) x 100/ (number of response variables). The percentage of variation in the independent variable accounted for by the ith canonical variate is obtained similarly. Finally, MANOVA prints the redundancy of the dependent variable given the availability of the independent variables (Cooley and Lohnes, 1971), under the heading PCT VAR COV. This is calculated as the proportion of variance accounted for by the ith canonical variate multiplied by the corresponding sguared canonical coefficient. The redundancy of the independent variables given the availability of the dependent variable appears in the printed output under PCT VAR DEP and is obtained in a similar way. For Figure 1.40a, the output in Figure 1.41c was obtained. Figure 1.41c o EN OO S O PE A PEPE ZOE CORRE! VARIABLE 1 SYNTH EVAL LATIONS BETWEEN DEPENDENT AND CANONICAL, VARIABLES FUNCTION NO.