The output from a principal components analysis performed on the dental calculus data is given in Figure 1.34. Figure 1.34 EIGENVALUES OF WITHIN CELLS CORRELATION MATRIX EIGENVALUE PC? OF VAR CUM PCT 2 .02696 67 .56528 67 .56528 2 67398 22.46611 90.03139 3 - 29906 9.96861 100.00000 NORMALIZED PRINCIPAL. COMPONENTS COMPONENTS VARIABLES l 2 3. RCAN -.73816 -.65197 -.17338 RLI -.90389 08961 41827 RCI -.81551 49081 -.30667 DETERMINANT - 40855 BARTLETT TEST OF SPHERICITY - 87.87194 WITH 3 D. F. SIGNIFICANCE - .000 F(MAX) CRITERION - 3.07466 WITH (3,100) D. F. MANOVA also enables the user to rotate the principal components loadings. The keywords for specifying the type of rotation are VARIMAX, OUARTIMAX, and EOUIMAX (see SPSS, Second Edition, pp. 484-485, for a description of these three rotations). NOROTATE inhibits rotation. For example, if PRINT