a H Dimension reduction analysis can be interpreted as follows: If the roots from n, to s are not significant (in other words, if the s - n, t£ 1 smallest canonical correlations are not significantly different from. zero), we may say that the data do not provide evidence of association in more than n, — 1 dimensions (only n, — 1 discriminant functions are significant). In the dental calculus example, only one canonical correlation is significant at the 0.05 level for the TR effect. 5 Univariate analysis of variance results for each of the g response variables. In our example, Figure 1.32f gives the results obtained for the effect TR. Figure 1.32f UNIVARIATE F-TESTS WITH (4,100) D. F. VARIABLE HYPOTH. SS ERROR SS HYPOTH. MS ERROR MS F SIG, OF F RCAN 6.18306 137.89515 1.54577 — 1.37895 1.12097 351 RLI 28.07315 261.87433 1.01829 2.61874 2.68002 036 RCI 69.55358 423. 98046 17.38839 4.23980 4.10123 004 The sum of sguares for the tested efiect (HYPOTH. SS) and for the error (ERROR SS) of each response variable are the appropriate diagonal elements of S, and S, respectively. Output for the YEAR effect and the YEAR BY TR interaction is given in Figure 1.32g. Figure 1.32g EFFECT .. YEAR BY TR MULTIVARIATE TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE (S < 1, M < 1/2, N < 48) TEST NAME VALUE APPROX. F HYPOTH. DF ERROR DF SIG. OF F PILLAIS 02445 81881 3.00 98.00 487 HOTELLINGS 02507 81881 3.00 98.00 487 WILKS .97555 -B1881 3.00 98.00 487 ROYS . 02445 EIGENVALUES AND CANONICAL CORRELATIONS ROOT NO. EIGENVALVE PCT. CUM. PCT. CANON. COR. 1 02507 100.00000 100.00000 15637 DIMENSION REDUCTION ANALYSIS ROOTS WILKS LAMBDA F HYPOTH. DF ERROR DF SIG. OF F 1 T0 1 97555 -B1881 3.00 98.00 487 UNIVARIATE F-TESTS WITH (1.100) D. F. VARIABLE HYPOTH. SS ERROR SS HYPOTH. MS ERROR MS F SIG. OF F RCAN - 09862 137.89515 -09862 1.37895 07152 -T90 RLI 1.08877 261.87433 1.08877 2.61874 -41576 521 RCI 9.73563 423.98046 9.73563 4.23980 2.29625 133 EFFECT .. YEAR MULTIVARIATE TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE (S < 1, M - 1/2, N - 48) TEST NAME VALVE APPROX. F HYPOTH. DF ERROR DF SIG. OF F PILLAIS . 04077 1.38843 3.00 98.00 251 HOTELLINGS 04250 1.38843 3.00 98.00 251 WILKS 95923 1. 38843 3.00 98.00 251 ROYS 04077 EIGENVALUES AND CANONICAL CORRELATIONS ROOT NO. EIGENVALUE PCT. CUM. PCT. CANON. COR. 1 - 04250 100.00000 100.00000 20192 DIMENSION REDUCTION ANALYSIS ROOTS WILKS LAMBDA F HYPOTH. DF ERROR DF SIG. OF F 1T01 . 95923 1. 38843 3.00 98.00 .251 UNIVARIATE F-TESTS WITH (1,100) D. F. VARIABLE HYPOTH. SS ERROR SS ERROR MS F SIG. OF F RCAN 3.54279 137 .89515 1.37R95 2.5869]9 112 oi 6 RADHl SG Braaa v GIR"4 vo GOADA m iva hči PEČI DRA TU ALAOOMO AE, 4 Zsono KURTROTIN) RIKI O RE ŠPO ET EN EN EO AN VE NE TE OE IONE IRAN Et A za mo MANOVA 35