sad, o. 34 SPSS UPDATE ?-y For the dental calculus data, the multivariate tests of the hypothesis that there is no TR efiect (adjusted for the YEAR effect) are presented in Figure 1.32c. Figure 1.32c EFFECT .. TR MULTIVARIATE TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE (S < 3, M <— 0, N - 48) TEST NAME VALUE APPROX. F HYPOTH. DF ERROR DF SIG. OF F PILLAIS 20122 1.79739 12.00 300.00 -D4B HOTELLINGS 22813 1.83769 12.00 290.00 .D42 WILKS 80733 1.82255 12.00 259.58 045 ROYS 14402 The name of the test statistic is given under TEST NAME and its value listed under VALUE. For Pillai's criterion, Hotelling's trace, and Wilks lambda, approximate F statistics are given, with the degrees of freedom under HYPOTH. DE and ERROR DF and the p-values under SIG, OF F. A comparison (with references) of the powers of these four tests can be found in Morrison (1976). £igenvalues and canonical correlations. The nonzero eigenvalues of S,S,' and the correspond- ing canonical correlations for each effect in the model are given. For example, the results for the effect TR are shown in Figure 1.32d. Figure 1.32d EIGENVALUES AND CANONICAL. CORRELATIONS ROOT NO. EIGENVALUE PCT. CUM. PCT. CANON. COR. l -16825 73.75366 73.75366 37950 2 05255 23.02709 96..78075 22340 3 00734 3.21925 100.00000 .08538 The canonical correlation coefficients p; are calculated as p? < X/(1 f X); they are the canonical correlations between the response variables and the effect. p; also measures the correlation between the ith canonical variate of the response variables and the tested effect (in certain linear combinations). The canonical correlations in this example can also be obtained by using the following dummy variables to represent the YEAR and TR effects. X, < | ifYEAR<2 0 otherwise Y, < | ifTR:-2 0 otherwise Y, < 1 ifTR