vrarjeo O RE MN Za jo PPIEPNNOTIJE CA ARE VE tagi, H t ' : , H Each factor is then partitioned so that the first partition contains the linear component of the orthogonal polynomial contrast: PARTITION(A) / PARTITION(B) / Lastly, the design specifies a main effects model along with the linear x linear component of the interaction: DESIGN-A, B, A(1) BY B(l)/ The resulting ANOVA table appears in Figure 1.29b. Figure 1.29b TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEGUENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F RESIDVAL , 34.33855 5 6.86771 CONSTANT 1452.00000 1 1452.00000 211.42418 -000 A 56.00000 2 28.00000 4.07705 089 B 438.00000 3 146.00000 21.25890 .003 A(1) BY B(l) 17.66145 1 17.66145 2.57166 .l70 The F test for the A(1) BY B(1) interaction is Tukey's test for nonadditivity. Note that Tukey's test for nonadditivity can be extended to higher-order factorial experiments. 1.30 Simple Effects The presence of a significant interaction in a two-way design precludes the testing of the main effects. Instead, the effect of one factor differs at each level of the other factor. Freguently one may wish to test the significance of these differential effects. Such tests are generally called tests of simple effects. Simple effects can be tested in SPSS-MANOVA by using the nesting facility of the DESIGN subcommand. As an example, consider the data presented in Figure 1.2 for which the ANOVA table appears in Figure 1.3a. Here the interaction is significant at the 0.006 level. Simple effects tests are desired to examine the category differences for each of the drugs. The following DESIGN subcommand accomplishes this: DESIGN