22 SPSS UPDATE /-9 Figure 1.24a NE VE TNE EP PE RN | RUN NAME 4"4"3 FACTORIAL IN RANDOMIZED BLOCKS. COMMENT 4"4"3 FACTORIAL IN RANDOMIZED BLOCKS WITH COVARIATE. FROM COCHBAN AND CO0X(1957) PAGE 176. VARIABLE LIST REPLIC,LENPER, CURRENT, NTREAT,Y,X INPUT MEDIUM CARD INPUT FORMAT FIXED(4Fl.0,F2.0,F3.0) N OF CASES 96 IF (LENPER EO 5) LENPER < 4 IF (NTREAT EO 3) NTREAT < 2 IF (NTREAT EO 6) NTREAT < 3 MANOVA Y BY REPLIC(l,2), LENPER(1,4), CURRENT(1,4), NTREAT(1,3) WITH X/ DESIGN < REPLIC,NTREAT. LENPER, CURRENT, NTREAT BY LENPER, NTREAT BY CURRENT, LENFER BY CURRENT, NTREAT BY LENPER BY CURRENT/ READ INPUT DATA 111172152 111574131 111669131 112161130 112361129 112665126 113162141 113365112 113670111 114185147 114376125 114661130 121167136 . s 121352110 121662122 122160111 254159102 254358 98 254688135 FINISH Figure 1.24b TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEOUENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES iu ke] MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F RESIDUAL 2211.96526 4i REGRESSION 987 .52432 CONSTANT 1316. 19933 REPLIC . 27456 NTREAT 441.20522 LENPER 180.52285 CURRENT ' 2111.03300 NTREAT BY LENPER 211.79056 NTREAT BY CURRENT 467 . B4848 LENPER BY CURRENT 404.37365 NTREAT BY LENPER BY CURRENT 1021.61800 48 .08620 987 .52432 20.53654 000 1316.19933 27.537166 0.0 27456 00571 940 220.60261 4.58765 .015 60.1742B 1.25138 .302 T03.6TT767 14.63367 0.0 35 .29843 .T3407 625 T71.9T475 1.62156 163 44.93041 93437 .505 .75656 1.18031 .315 ODUUNH-E-dO - 0o «m (u) 1.25 Nested Designs A nested design arranges the experimental units hierarchically. For example, consider an experiment to compare the yield of wheat per acre for different areas in a given state. Five counties are selected at random, then three townships are randomly selected from each county. From each township two farms are selected and the yield of wheat per acre is obtained. The resulting experiment produces 5 x 3 x 2 — 30 experimental units. The factors of this experiment are county and township, and the township effects are nested under the county factor, since a given township appears only under one of the five counties. In other words, the county factor is not crossed with township factor and so the interaction between county and township is not estimable. The model for this two-factor nested design is Yes mota; t Byu t €ijk where a, is the county effect and B;;, is the township effect nested under the county eftect.