If another restriction on the randomization is placed ori a Latin sguare, we have a Graeco-Latin sguare. Table 1.23b exhibits a 4 x 4 Graeco-Latin sguare. Table 1.23b Row In this design the third restriction has levels a, B, y, 8. Note that a, B, y and 8 not only each appear exactly once within each row and column, but they also appear exactly once with each level of treatments A, B, C, D. The Graeco-Latin sguare can be constructed by superimposing an orthogonal (same size) Latin sguare on the original Latin sguare. In other words, the third restriction factor along with column and row is also a 4 X 4 Latin sguare. It has treatments a, B, v, 8 and is orthogonal to the original Latin sguare with treatments A, B, C, and D. Here orthogonality means each letter in one Latin sguare appears exactly once in the same position as each letter of the other sguare. The analysis of variance for a Graeco-Latin sguare is very similar to that for a Latin sguare. Let GREEK denote the third restriction factor on a 4 x 4 Graeco-Latin sguare. The MANOVA specifications would be MANOVA Y BY ROW(l,4), COL(l,4), GREEK(1,4), TRT(1,4)/ DESIGN