20 SPSS UPDATE 7-9 PBIB designs represent a large class of designs, many of which can be found in Cochran and Cox (1957). An example with t < 15,b<15,k< 4, and r — 4 is given On P. 456 of that text. The MANOVA commands and the output ANOVA table are given in Figure 1.22a and Figure 1.22b. Figure 1.224 RUN NAME 15 X 15 PARTIALLY BAL. INC. BLOCK DESIGN. COMMENT DATA ARE TAKEN FROM COCHRAN a COX(1957) P.456. VARIABLE LIST BLOCKS, TREATMNT, DEP INPUT MEDIUM CARD N OF CASES UNKNOWN INPUT FORMAT FIXED(2F2.0,8X,F3.0) MANOVA DEP BY BLOCČKS(1,15), TREATMNT(1,15)/ DESIGN < BLOCKS, TREATMNT / READ INPUT DAT ll 2.6 19 2.5 113 2.0 115 2.4 21l 2.7 15 4 2.5 15 8 3.2 1510 2.4 3.1 1511 END INPUT DATA FINISH Figure 1.22b TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR DEP USING SEOUENTIAL SUMS OF SOVARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DpF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F RESIDUAL 2.68589 31 . 08664 CONSTANT 448.26654 l 448 .26654 5173.80518 0.0 BLOCKS 4 .92333 14 .35167 4 .O5S887 001 1.56411 la 11172 1.28948 . 268 TREATMNT 1.23 Latin and Other Sguares A Latin sguare isa design in which each treatment appears exactly once in each row and column. The main interest is stili on the estimation of treatment differences, but two restrictions are put on the randomization of the treatment assignment. The model of this design is ije s ot mit Bit vet €ik where a,, B; and »x are the row, column and treatment effects respectively. An example of a 4 x 4 Latin sguare is shown in Table 1.23a. e Table 1.232 Column The following MANOVA specifications may be used to analyze a 4 X 4 Latin sguare. MANOVA Y BY RON(1,4),COL(1.4).TRT(1,4)/ DESIGN