IM ETIKE TERE, Kolko jaga Figure 1.21a RUN NAME TYPE l BALANCED INCOMPLETE BLOCK DESIGN. COMMENT DATA ARE TAKEN FROM COCHRAN č COX(1957). VARIABLE LIST REPLICS, TREATMNT, BLOCKS, DEP INPUT MEDIUM CARD INPUT FORMAT FIXED(3Fl.0,F2.0) N OF CASES UNKNOWN MANOVA DEP BY REPLICS(1,5), TREATMNT(1,6), BLOCKS(1,3)/ DESIGN - REPLICS, TREATMNT, BLOCKS W REPLICS/ DESIGN < REPLICS, BLOCKS W REPLICS, TREATMNT/ READ INPUT DATA lll 7 12117 13226 14225 54326 55332 56127 END INPUT DATA FINISH The ANOVA tables from the output for Figure 1.21a are given in Figure l.21b. Figure 1.21b TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR DEP USING SEOUENTIAL, SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF O MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F RESIDUAL TT1.33333 10 7.13333 CONSTANT 19712.03333 1 19712.03333 2548 . 96983 0.0 REPLICS 298. 46667 4 74.61667 9.64871 -002 TREATNNT 1059.76667 5 21l.95333 27.40776 000 BLOCKS W REPLICS 213.40000 10 21.34000 2.75948 -062 TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR DEP USING SEGUENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F RESIDUAL T1.33335 10 7.713333 CONSTANT 19712.03333 1 19712.03333 2548 . 96983 0.0 REPLICS 298.46667 4 T4.61667 9.64871 002 BLOCKS W REPLICS 753 .00000 10 75.30000 9.73707 001 TREATMNT 520. 16667 5 104.03333 13.45259 -000 1.22 Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (PBIB) Because balanced incomplete block designs often reguire a large number of blocks, it may not be possible to find a design that fits the size of the experiment. A general class of BIB designs that do not have the uniform variances for treatment contrasts but still permit the estimation of treatment differences are the partially balanced incomplete block designs. Consider the design in Tabie 1.22, with t < 20, k < 4, r < 2and b < 10. Recall that for a BIB design any pair of treatments must appear together A times. In this design, some treatments occur together in the same blocks and some do not. This is the main difference between BIB and PBIB designs. Table 1.22