nisi ME Ni The second DESIGN specification reguests the regression effect (X) adjusted for the factor DRUG (Figure 1.17e). Figure 1.17e TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEOGUENTIAL SUMS OF SOVARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F WITHINHRESIDUAL 417.20260 26 16.04625 — CONSTANT 1872.30000 1 1872.30000 116.68144 0.0 DRUG 293.60000 2 146.80000 9.14855 -001 x 5771.89740 1 577 .89740 36.01447 0.0 The regression coefficient can be obtained from the estimate of the parameters for factor X (Figure 1.17f). Figure 1.171 .a ESTIMATES FOR Y CONSTANT PARAMETER COEFF. STD. ERR. T-VALVE SIG. OF T LOWER .95 CL UPPER .95 CL 1 -2.6957729061 1.91108 -1.41060 -170 —6..62406 1.23252 DRUG PARAMETER COEFF. STD. ERR. T-VALVE SIG. OF T LOWER .95 CL UPPER .95 CL 2 -1.1850365374 1.06082 -..11709 274 -3.36559 99551 3 -1.0760652052 1.04130 -1.03339 -31l —3.21648 1.06435 x PARAMETER COEFF. STD. ERR. T-VALUE SIG. OF T LOWER .95 CL UPPER .95 CL 4 9871838111 -16450 6.00121 000 64905 1.32531 From the covariance model given above, it follows that there is a common regression coefficient for the given X. This implies that the within-treatment regression coefficients are homogeneous. The assumption of homogeneity of regression coefficients in the analysis of covariance can be assessed by introducing a treatment by covariate interaction term in the model. A test for no interaction between DRUG effects and covariate is eguivalent to testing the hypothesis that the pooled within-treatment regression coefficient is appropriate. The test for treatment by covariate interaction, which is referred to as the test for regression parallelism, can be obtained in MANOVA as follows: MANOVA Y, X BY DRUG(1,3)/ ANALYSIS - Y/ DESIGN < X, DRUG, X BY DRUG/ The analysis of variance table for this DESIGN specification is given in Figure 1.17g. Since X BY DRUG is not significant, the hypothesis of the homogeneity of the within- treatment regression is not rejected. Figure 1.17g TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEOVENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F WITHINARESIDUAL 397.55795 24 16.56491 CONSTANT 1872.30000 1 1872 .30000 113.02805 0.0 x 802. 94369 1 802. 94369 48.47255 0.0 DRUG 68.55371 2 34 .27686 2.06924 -148 X BY DRUG 19.64465 2 9.82232 59296 56 1.18 Analysis of Covariance with Separate Regression Estimates Consider a 2 x 2 (Factors A, B) design with covariate X. The model (using dummy variables) can be written as Yix — et B(Xia—X) o Zije A U aaa Za Ujeta MANOVA 15