The second example is adapted from Cochran and Cox (1957, p. 46). The experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of four soil fumigants in keeping down the number of eelworms in the soil. The fumigants were CN, CS, CM, and CK. Each fumigant was tested both in a single and double dose. The control was used as another treatment. The nine treatments are denoted as C00 (control), CNI (CN with single dose), CS1, CMI, CKI1, CN2 (CN with double dose), CS2, CM2, and CK2. There were four replications for each dose of each fumigant and 16 replications of the control. The desired subdivisions of the treatment sum of sguares are as follows: 1 Ifthe effect of the fumigants is proportional to the dose, then both CNi and CN2/2 are the estimate of the effect of CN per unit dose. The pooled estimate of this effect is (CN14 2(CN2))/5. The differences in the linear responses to the four fumigants can be measured by the following three contrasts: (0 1-1 0 0 2-2 0 0. . (0 1 1-2 0 2 2 -4 0) (0 1 1 1-3 2 2 2 -6) 2 The curvature of the treatment CN is measured by C00 — (2CNI) 4 CN2. The differences in curvature are compared by the guantities CN2 -2(CNI), (the C00 term cancelled out in the comparison) or by the following three contrasts: (0 2-2 0 0-1 1 0 0) (0 2 2-4 0-i-i 2 0) (0 2 2 2 -6 -i -i -l1 3) 3 The sum of sguares between levels (control: 0 level; treatments with single dose: level 1; treatments with double level: level 2) can be partitioned into a component due to the linearity between levels and one representing the curvature between levels. The former is given by the comparison of — l(level 0) -£O(level 1) -1(level 2), or the contrast (-40000111 1). The curvature between levels is measured by l(level0) —2(level 1) 4-1(level 2), or the contrast (—4 —2-2-2-21111). The above partitions can be summarized by the following MANOVA CONTRAST subcommand: CONTRAST ( TREATMNT)