The elements in the upper triangle of the decomposition matrix are used to obtain the sum of sguares for each effect in the model. Consider a 2 x 3 factorial design, where T is the upper triangle of the decomposition matrix. čun dia fug fra lis bie 0 fax fag daa las bae 0 0 za f5a as bas 000 c,, čas las 000 0 £,; £5« 00000 4 The first row of T represents the CONSTANT effect, the second row represents the effect of A, the third and fourth rows are the effects of B, and the last two rows are the effects of AB. lfh' < (h,h, h; h, h; h,) is the least-sguares estimate of the contrasts of effects, then the seguential sums of sguares for the effects are as shown in Table 1.13. Table 1.13 Source Sum of Sguares CONSTANT (tih,t, hatha, At ashseE treh)? A (th tao tah, taste)? B adjusted A (usb, tah, tast tebe) (uh, t,shs--t,;h,)? AB adjusted A.B (t;zh,t tsshi)?--(t;she)? If the DESIGN specification for this example is DESIGN-A,B,A BY B/ then the bias matrix is a 4 X 4 upper triangular matrix, since the order of the bias matrix is the number of effects in the model (in this case, CONSTANT, A, B, and A BY B). The (i,j)th element of this matrix is obtained by summing the sguared elements of the T matrix, which are in the rows of effect i and the columns of effect j. The bias matrix for this example is H, fa st ta tit tis 0 rž, rat Ba (35 56 0 0 45 t 3, t 4, (35 t 3, t f)5 fis 0 0 0 Z, t še t že The bias matrix can be used as a measure of the degree of the confounding among effects. For example, the coefficients corresponding to h; and h, (factor B) in the calculation of sum of sguares Of A are ta and t,,; thus ta" - t,,' (sguaring is to avoid the Sign) can be used as a confounding index between A and B. 1.14 Redundant Effects If there are empty cells in the design, some effects in the model may not be estimable. MANOVA determines the redundant effects by orthonormalization of the design matrix and prints the information. Figure 1.14 indicates that the interaction effects in columns 10 and 12 in the design matrix are not estimable because of empty cells. Figure 1.14 o RE O O EVRE OEEO EVE OEEPEtttsstm REDUNDANCIES IN DESIGN MATRIX COLUMN EFFECT 10 A BY B 12 (SAME) A o o oo oo ooo a a o a NA NNNNNNNI] 1.15 Solution Matrices For any connected design, the hypotheses associated with the seguential sums of Sguares are weighted functions of the population cell means with weights depending on the cell freguencies (e.g. see Searie(1971), pp. 306-313). For designs with every cell filled, it can be shown that the hypotheses corresponding to the regression model sums of sguares are the unweighted hypotheses about the celi means. With empty cells the hypotheses will depend on the pattern of the missingness. In such cases, one can reguest that the solution matrix, which contains the coefficients of the linear combinations of the cell means being tested, be printed by specifying MANOVA 9