SPSS UPDATE 7-9 Figure 1.9 TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEOUENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F WITHIN CELLS 106.00000 12 8.83333 CONSTANT 882 .00000 l 882 ..00000 99 .84906 0.0 CAT 18.00006 l 18.00000 2.03774 .179 DRUG(1) 36.00000 l 36. 00000 4.07547 066 DRUGI 2) 12.00000 l 12.00000 1.35849 .266 CAT BY DRUGI) > 144.00000 1 144.00000 16.30189 .002 CAT BY DRUG(2) 0.0 l 0.0 0.0 1.000 ON OOODOEOO The above discussion of orthogonal contrasts assumeS that the cell freguencies are egual. For the use of the orthogonal contrasts in unbalanced designs, see Section 1.16. 1.10 Designs with Unegual Cell Freguencies In many experiments, it may not be possible to have egual numbers of observations for each cell. Such designs are termed unbalanced or nonorthogonal. In nonorthogonal designs the effects are correlated with each other and cannot be estimated independently of one another. That is, the component sum of sguares will not add up to the total sum of sguares because the main effects will usually not be independent of each other and the interaction effects wili not be independent of the main effects. Different ANOVA solutions can be obtained for the same design depending on the "type" of sum of sguares calculated. For example, in an unbalanced design with two factors A and B. the sum of sguares for main effect A differs depending on whether effect A is the only one in the model or whether it is added to a model already containing effect B. 1.11 Seguential Sums of Sguares (Fitting Constants) Seguential sums of sguares are the default type calculated by MANOVA. The sums of sguares for each effect are ''adjusted'" for all effects previously entered into the model. That is, the sum of sguares for an effect is adjusted only for all terms to the left of it in the DESIGN subcommand. All terms to the right are ignored. Therefore the order in which terms are specified on the DESIGN subcommand, or the MANOVA command if a DESIGN subcommand is not present, is important. Different orders may produce different results. For the two-factor design specified using DESIGN