' 6 SPSS UPDATE 7-9 1.5 Specifying a Model with the DESIGN Subcommand If the desired model is not the default full factorial, the model must be specified using the DESIGN subcommand. To specify a model that includes only the main effect terms, use MANOVA y BY CAT(1.2) DRUG(1.3])/ DESIGN CAT,DRUG/ Jf there are three factors, (A, B, and C) with three levels each, the model containing only main efiects and the A BY B and B BY C interactions is specified by MANOVA Y BYABC (1.3)/ DESIGN- A, B, C; A BY B, B BY C/ The keyword BY in the DESIGN subcommand indicates an interaction term. Thus a three-way interaction is written as A BY B BY C. 1.6 Specifying the ERROR Term Unless otherwise reguested, the within-cells mean sguare is used as the denominator for all the F values. If there is no within-cells error, the residual error is used. The residual mean sguare is the mean sguare for all terms not specified in the DESIGN subcommand. For example, if the model containing only main effects for DRUG and CAT is reguested using DESIGN: CAT,DRUG/ the residual error term is the mean sguare for the CAT BY DRUG interaction. For the three-factor design specification developed previously, the residual error corresponds to the sum of sguares for the pooled A BY C and A BY B BY C interactions since they are not included in the DESIGN specification. The ERROR subcommand designates the error term to be used for the analysis. See Section 1.91 for rules governing the use of the ERROR subcommand. If different error terms are to be used for the various terms in the design specification, this is indicated in the DESIGN subcommand. See Section 1.92 for further details. 4.7. An Example Using DESIGN and ERROR The following commands reguest a main effects model for the data of Figure 1.2. The pooled interaction term (denoted as R for residual) and within-cells error (denoted as W) are used as the error. MANOVA Y BY CAT(1,2) DRUG(1,3)/ ERROR-WtR/ DESIGN