4 SPSS UPDATE 7-9 Figure 1.2 shows SPSS commands to accomplish the analysis of variance of the data. The MANOVA specification defines Y to be the dependent variable and CAT and DRUG the factor variables with two and three levels respectively. Since only one dependent variable (Y) is indicated, a univariate analysis of variance is reguested. Figure 1.2 a V NANESE NEENAKO RUN NAME A UNIVARIATE 2"3 EXAMPLE. COMMENT THE DATA ARE TAKEN FROM WINER(197l) PAGE 436. Y : THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE. CAT : FACTOR WITH 2 LEVELS. DRUG : FACTOR WITH 3 LEVELS. VARIABLE LIST (CAT DRUG Y INPUT FORMAT FREEFIELD INPUT MEDIUM CARD MANOVA Y BY CAT(1,2) DRUG(1,3)/ READ INPUT DATA - ONDBOOBKRODONOCOOBO -e 15 12 9 NDUNUNUNNUNNNE EH EE-E -E —- HE E— MONAANNINE EEA OVNNE--E— END INPUT DATA FINISH an The default model generated from the MANOVA specifications is a full factorial. For this example the model is . YačktatB,t (aB);; €ijx where a, is the main effect of category i, B; is the main effect of drug j, and (aB);; is the interaction of patient category i and drug j. For the various tests, it is necessary to assume that the error terms, €. are independently identically distributed as normal with mean 0 and variance o". 1.3 Default Output The default output (without any PRINT subcommand) from a MANOVA run includes 1 Ananalysis of variance (ANOVA) table. As shown in Figure 1.3a, it gives the sum of sguares, degrees of freedom, mean sguare, F value, and the probabilities of each F value. The within-cells error term (default error-term if it exists) is used to obtain all the F values. Figure 1.3a a nn————— TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR Y USING SEGUENTIAL SUMS OF SOUARES SOURCE OF VARIATION SUM OF SOUARES DF MEAN SOUARE F SIG. OF F WITHIN CELLS 106.00000 12 8.83333 CONSTANT 882 .00000 l 892 .00000 99.B4906 0.0 CAT 18.00000 l 18.00000 2.05774 -179 DRUG 48.00000 2 24 .00000 2.71698 -106 CAT BY DRUG 144.00000 2 T2.00000 8.15094 006 A a ARA ANA EINE EEA EEA OEEO OSE ANINA 2 Statistics for parameter estimation (Figure 1.3b). These consist of estimates of the parameters (COEFF), the standard errors of the estimates (STD. ERR.), the t-value for testing that the . parameter is zero, the two-tailed significance of the test, and 95% confidence intervals for the parameters. (Note that the parameters estimated here are not the original a;, B;, or (aB);; instead, contrasts of the parameters are estimated. See Section 1.52 for detailed information.)