- or — ANALYSIS( REPEATED (CONDITIONAL] ) / (UNCONDITIONAL] PARTITION subdivides the degrees of freedom of a factor. PARTITION( factorname) [- (dfl, df2,..)]. / CONTRAST indicates the type of contrast desired for a factor. DEVIATION [(refcat)] DIFFERENCE HELMERT CONTRAST( factorname) < SIMPLE ((refcat)] REPEATED | POLYNOMIAL ((metric)] SPECIAL (matrix) PREN ENERENE NOW ONENINIH — ERROR specifies the error term to be used in the model. (1 WITHIN or W ( RESIDUAL or R ERROR < | WITHIN 4 RESIDUAL or WR n DESIGN specifies the design model to be analyzed. DESIGN - effectl, effect2,../ The DESIGN specification should be the last subcommand of a complete MANOVA run. All the computational and output options are applied to the subseguent DESIGN models unless overridden. As an example of specifications for MANOVA, consider the following: MANOVA Y BY A(1,3) B(1,4) WITH X/ PRINT-CELLINFO ( MEANS) / METHOD