2 SPSS UPDATE 7-9 TRANSFORM reguests a linear transformation of the dependent variables and covariates. TRANSFORM (variable listl/variable list2/...) < LORTHONORM ] DEVIATIONS (refcat) DIFFERENCE [BASIS] HELMERT [CONTRAST] POLYNOMIAL [(metric)] SPECIAL (matrix) ) H SIMPLE (refcat) h | / | WSDESIGN J | | | | REPEATED | U WSDESIGN specifies the model for the within-subjects factors and RENAME can be used to rename t : transformed variables. WSDESIGN - < effect list > | RENAME < newnamel, newname2,../ The second category contains subcommands PRINT, PLOT, and PUNCH, which control the amount of optional output produced by MANOVA. PRINT - CELLINFO( [MEANS] [SSCP] [COV] [COR] ) NOPRINT HOMOGENEITYi [BARTLETT] [COCHRAN] [BOXM] ) DESIGN( [ONEWAY] (OVERALL] (BIAS] [DECOMP] [SOLUTION] ) PRINCOMPS( (COR] [COV) (MINEIGEN(eigcut) ] [NCOMP(n) ] [ROTATE(rottyp)] ) ERROR( [SSCP) [C0V] [COR] (STDV] ) SIGNIF( [HYPOTH] [MULTIV] [EIGEN] (DIMENR] (UNIV) | STEPDOWN ) [AVERF] (BRIEF]) (SINGLEDF] ) DISCRIM( [RAW] [STAN] [ESTIM] [COR] (ROTATE( rottyp)] (ALPHA(aipha)] ) PARAMETERS( [ESTIM] [COR] [ORTHO] (NEGSUM) ) OMEANS( ( VARJABLES(var list) . TABLES( table reguests ))] PMEANS( ( VARIABLES(var list) TABLES( table reguests ) ERROR( errorn ) ) ] POBS [( ERROR( errorn ) ) FORMAT( [WIDE] ) J (NARROW ] PLOT LI ( CELLPLOTS] [NORMAL ] [BOXPLOTS] ( STEMLEAF ] [ZCORR] (PMEANS] [POBS] [ SIZE( nhor , nvert ) ] | PUNCH CELLINFO( [MEAN] [SSCP) [COR] [CoVj [STDV] | M ERROR( [SSCP] [COR] [gov] [STDV] ) PMEANS [ ( ERROR( errorn n) ] POBS [ ( ERROR( errorn ) ) ] l The last category consists of the subcommands that indicate the computational options and model specifications. METHOD provides several options for parameter estimation. METHOD - MODELTYPE( [MEANS]) ) [OBSERVATIONS] [ggoteskr] ESTIMATION( [OR] [LASTRES] [CONSTANT] O) [BALANCED] [NOLASTRES] [NOCONST] [NOBALANCED] SSTYPE( [SEOUENTIALJ ) / [UNIOVE] ANALYSIS subsets and/or reorders the variables. ANALYSIS < WITH / . — or - ANALYSIS[ (CONDITIONAL) ] kai ( WITH / ( UUNCONDITIONAL) ] WITH / WITH /