62 FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS IN ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE a NOC (HB) oi - |zx? - —— (ir - V, 1 MS,,or — ž$-162/», and k < number of variances. For values of v; Z 5, B is approximately distributed as the x? distribution, with k — 1 degrees of freedom. lf v; < 5, tables prepared by Merrington and Thompson (1946) may be used. Two other tests are computationally simpler than Bartlett's test and provide an adeguate test of the assumption of homogeneity of variance. The simpler of the two tests, which was proposed by Hartley (1940, 1950), uses the statistic F,,,,, largest of k variances Gj1argest F max — kai » až smallest of k variances Gj smallest with degrees of freedom egual to k and n — |, where k is the number of variances and n is the number of observations within each treatment level. The distribution of F,,,, is given in Table D.i0. The hypothesis of homo- geneity of variance is rejected if F,,,, is greater than the tabled value for Fax: M the ns for the treatment levels differ only slightly, the largest of the ns can be used for purposes of determining the degrees of freedom for this test. This procedure leads to a slight positive bias in the test, that is, in rejecting the hypothesis of homogeneity more freguently than it should be rejected. The other relatively simple test of homogeneity of variance is that proposed by Cochran (1941). This test statistic is given by a2 O; š C j largest ije x Gi jzl where 67; argesi is the largest of the k treatment variances and Z). ,$; is the sum of all of the variances. The degrees of freedom for this test are egual to k and n — | as defined for the F,,,, test. The sampling distribution of C is given in Table D.I1. Since the F distribution is so robust with respect to violation of the assumption of homogeneity of error variance, it is not customary to test this assumption routinely. Both the Hartley and the Cochran tests have adeguate sensitivity for testing the assumption in situations where hetero- geneity is suspected. If variances are heterogeneous, a transformation of scores as described in Section 2.7 may produce homogeneity. Jt should be noted that all three tests described here are sensitive to departures from normality as well as heterogeneity of variances (Box and Anderson, 1955). For a description of a test that is relatively insensitive to departures from normality, see Odeh and Olds (1959). bt O o o AREA