RIANCE — lel for a that all been on vothesis- ences of ) stated zvel of a t the .05 nsitivity possible > correct z robust with its mptions el for a )47) has mptions must be possible, standard n experi- stributed the ratio pulation, s models pulation. ation are nt to the bution in kurtosis. neba ČO EN z RANE NANO MAO 5 Vi spi VaR m ivan REKE eto ER NM Mare SECTION 2.6 EFFECTS OF FAILURE TO MEET ASSUMPTIONS Studies by Pearson (1931) and Norton, as cited by Lindguist (1953), indicate that the F distribution is relatively unaffected by lack of symmetry of treatment populations. It is also relatively unaffected by kurtosis except in extreme cases of very leptokurtic or platykurtic populations. For the fixed-effečts model, an experimenter need not be concerned if the k popula- tions exhibit a moderate departure from the normal distribution provided that the k populations are homogeneous in form, for example, all treatment populations positively skewed and slightly leptokurtic. In general, unless the departure from normality is so extreme that it can be readily detected by visual inspection of the data, the departure will have little effect on the probability associated with the test of significance. It may be possible to transform nonnormally distributed scores so as to achieve normality, under conditions described in Section 2.7. ASSUMPTION OF HOMOGENEITY OF POPULATION-ERROR VARIANCES The F distribution is robust with respect to violation of the assump- tion of homogeneity of population-error variances provided that the num- ber of observations in the samples is egual (Cochran, 1947; Norton as cited by Lindguist, 1953). However, for samples of unegual size, violation "of the homogeneity assumption can have a marked effect on the test of significance. According to Box (1953, 1954a), the nature of the bias for this latter case may be positive or negative. Several statistics are available for testing the homogeneity assump- tion that H,:o) — o x: — ož — ož. The alternative to the above nuli hypothesis is H, : some o;'s are unegual. A test statistic proposed by Bartlett (1937) is 2.30259 k B — (oa oMS.na — X Wvlognesh)]. jsl where 1.1 — jzl v; v Cel rea ' v; — degrees of freedom for d;, v — degrees of freedom for MS,,,,, egual to x$.,v;, 67 <— unbiased estimate of population variance for the jth population given by