at the error) vould is less luding nenter would alter- thana he loss ational avioral he two ved by rtistical »perties avioral ions to : magic ificance. ing isa an im- led toa ning the sis. It is research ncerning personal sefulness aneritical py Bakan torporate t utilized ipproche- gory, and ioned one iheory. A Lindman, TEŽENJ o prta on tan O SECTION 1.5 A REVIEW OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE 33 Le non non ono —OE€OE€0€O€— Hypothesis-testing procedures should be viewed as tools that aid an experimenter in interpreting the outcome of research. Such procedures should not be permitted to replace the judicial use of logic by an alert analytic experimenter. In particular, the technigue of analysis of variance desceribed,in this book should be considered an aid in summarizing data. It should be used to help an experimenter understand what went on in an experiment; it is not an end in itself.