SECTION 1.5 A REVIEW OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE 31 error. How can the power of an experimental methodology be increased for a given type | error rate? Two approaches were suggested in Section 1.3. One approach is to increase the size of the sample. A second approach is to use ar experimental design that provides for a more precise estimate of treatment effects and a smaller error variance. If information concerning the true parameter is available, the probability of committing a type II error can be determined. Generally, however, the value of the parameter is unknown. In practice, an experi- menter can specify various possible values of the parameter of interest to him and then compute the probability of committing a type II error and 1 — B, given that the specified value of ju is true. Let us assume that the obtained sample statistic is egual to 102.5 and that an experimenter is interested in determining the probability of correctly rejecting H, if the population mean is really egual to 103. The probabilities B and 1 — B can be determined from X-u 1005-1030 CENI: According to the normal distribution table in Appendix D.3, the prob- abilities B and 1 — are .37 and .63, respectively. The location of the regions corresponding to B and | — B are shown in Figure 1.5-3. In this example the probability of making a correct decision if ja — 103 is only .63, whereas the corresponding probability if ja < 100 is .95. The probabilities associated with the possible outcomes of our decision rule are summarized in Table 1.5-2. —-.33. correct . TABLE 1.5-2 Probabilities Associated with the to 103, sea Decision Process r prob- leciding H True Situation H,. The 1.5-1. au < 100 a < 103 type II error pu < 10 1-as 95 B < .37 Decision type | error a — 103 a < 05 1—-B< 63 SELECTION OF A LEVEL FOR a In the preceding hypothetical example, the probability of a type I . error (4) is much lower than the corresponding type II error (B). Experi- esign and menters in the behavioral sciences freguently set the type I error rate at ven type 1 05 or .O1. This convention is based primarily on the notion that a type |