SECTION 1.5 A REVIEW OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE 25 a OOUODNODNOO SIGN leads to a prediction, or anticipated value, and to a hypothetical sampling distribution of anticipated values for a sample statistic. If the sample statistic eguals the anticipated value, or falls in a region of the sampling distribution designated as a probable anticipated value, a decision is made to accept the null hypothesis. On the other hand, if the sample statistic deviates appreciably from the anticipated value, either a rare and improbable event has occurred or the null hypothesis has led to a poor prediction and should be rejected. ted at poth- HYPOTHESIS TESTING > exact ns; for Hypothesis testing appears to be a straightforward objective pro- cedure until an attempt is made to define such phrases as "probable anticipated value," "deviates appreciably," and "poor prediction." On what basis does one decide which anticipated values are probable, or when the sample statistic deviates appreciably from the anticipated value, or when a null hypothesis leads to a poor prediction? The answer to these guestions in the behavioral sciences is that the experimenter falls back on a set of conventions. A branch of mathematics known as decision theory deals with the problem of choosing optimum decision rules. Although hypoth- esis-testing procedures in the behavioral sciences use many notions from decision theory, the application is incomplete and research is fre- guently conducted according to rules that are less than optimum for the experimenter's purposes. |j is of HM owing STEPS FOLLOWED IN TESTING A HYPOTHESIS What conventions are currently used in testing a hypothesis? These conventions can be summarized in four steps. Step 1: State a null hypothesis 4, and an alternative hypothesis H,. Step 2: Decide on an appropriate sample statistic and test statistic. The selection of a test statistic is based on (l) H,, (2) the chosen sample statistic, and (3) tenable assumptions concerning the population distributions. Assumptions underlying the sampling distributions of gih and F test statistics are discussed in Section 2.1. sciences Step 3: Decide on a level of significance x and a sample size N. a and N, together with the sampling distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, determine the region for rejecting H. The location and size of the region for rejection of the null hypothesis are determined by H, and a, respectively. An experimenter attempts to select a level of significance so that the region of rejection contains values of the test statistic that have a low probability of occurrence if H, is true but a high probability if H, is true. ported by statistical Step 4: Obtain the sample statistic and compute the test statistic. If the value of the test statistic falls in the region of rejection, H, is rejected in favor of H,. If the test statistic falls outside the region of rejection, the experimenter may either accept H, or suspend making a decision n the light concerning it. hypothesis