OVERVIEW OF TYPES OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS 19 DESIGN SECTION 1.4 že 2 pair of If we let r;; stand for all treatment effects, the error effect can be written mer of š š m ii plete Emtij) — Xiim — ui — Be e pair of In this form the similarity between the error effect for this design and do other the error effect for a completely randomized design is apparent. This latter error effect was given earlier as čij — Xjj — B; -b. The similarity between the models for a completely randomized design and ivate the a completely randomized factorial design is not surprising in view of sa the fact that the former design is the building block for the latter design. nt. This is h . KN The error effect for a randomized block factorial design Is level from The most bim — Xijm — di — B,- ft, - bi; a. ndomized > by using TABLE 1.4-6 Completely Randomized Factorial Design | also the i sume that Radiation Levels la, < 65?, 000 micro- Temperature Levels A treatment means ently used 6 the three level, and designate a order. e 1.4-6 it is x treatment gn example B treatment means — X.,. Kea: X... Grand mean — X... e randomly > completely . ctively, TABLE 1.4-7 Randomized Block Factorial Design Temperature Levels a, a, a, a, Radiation Levels b, b, b, b,' ob, b, Block mean ji interaction ce, and litter iation dosage 1 temperature that radiation ture than ata t is called an Block (liter) p, Block (litter) p, Block (litter) pz Xi Žu. Xu Xu Xn. Xas: Grand mean < X... A, treatment mean < (X,,, £ Xji2 bt Xias t Ami t ee td X,z3/9 z X- s 4 X,za/9 < X,.. Column means A, treatment mean <(X,,, t Xzya bt Xaas bt Kam t B, treatment mean < (X,,, t Xiiz bt Xust Xy £ Mana bt Xaia/6 z X.,. B, treatment mean < (X,3, £ Xi22 bt Xias t Xau £ Xaaz bt Xa23/6 < X.,. B, treatment mean < (X,3, t Xis2 t X jaz £ Xani t Xma t Xa33/6 — X.. design, using