INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONCEPTS IN EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN S OOONNOODOOOO .. One way of increasing the power of an experimental methodology mentioned in Section 1.3 is to choose an experimental design that provides for a more precise estimate of treatment effects and a smaller error variance. A randomized block design is more powerful than a completely randomized design if the block effects in the former design account for an appreciable portion of the total variance. It should be noted that the increased power of the randomized block design was made possible through the use of matched subjects. In many research situations, the increased experimental effort reguired to match subjects may not justify the greater power obtain- able with a randomized block design. LATIN SOUARE DESIGN A Latin sguare design utilizes the blocking principle to obtain homogeneity with respect to two nuisance variables. The levels of the two nuisance variables are assigned to the rows and columns of a Latin sguare. Treatment levels are identified within each cell of the Latin sguare. In the randomized block design example, subjects were eguated on the basis of genetic characteristics. It is reasonable to assume that rats in the same litter are also relatively homogeneous in weight. However, because the dependent variable in the radiation example is food consumption, the experimenter might wish to control the extraneous variable of weight. This can be accomplished by assigning the lightest rat in each litter to category b,, the rat intermediate in weight to category b,, and the heaviest rat to category by. Blocking with respect to both genetic characteristics a, and weight b, is shown in Table 1.4-4. TABLE 1.4-4 Latin Sguare Design Weight Categories of Rats b, b; b, Lightest Intermediate Heaviest Block means Block (litter) a, Block (litter) a, Block (litter) a; Weight means — X.. X.,. X.. Grand mean < X... Treatment level means: c, < (X,,, £ Xazmi t X,zaY3 < K. ca <(Xnia t Xi t X,32/3 < X.., cz < (Xu t Mas 4 X,saW3 < X..s